The Amazing World of Gumball is an animated sitcom created by Ben Bocquelet for Cartoon Network. Produced by Cartoon Network Development Studio Europe, it first aired on May 3, 2011, and ended on June 24, 2019. The series revolves around the lives of 12-year-old Gumball Watterson, a blue cat, and his goldfish best friend and adoptive brother 10-year-old Darwin, who attend middle school in the fictional city of Elmore, California. They frequently find themselves involved in various shenanigans around the city, during which time they interact with fellow family members—younger sister Anais, mother Nicole, and father Richard—and an extended supporting cast of characters. Bocquelet based several of the series' characters on rejected characters from his previous commercial work and making its premise a mixture of "family shows and school shows", which Cartoon Network was heavily interested in.
Genre | Animated sitcom, Fantasy, Satire, Surreal comedy, Slapstick, Black comedy |
Created by | Ben Bocquelet |
Directed by | Mic Graves, Antoine Perez (S5–6) |
Voices of | Logan Grove (S1–2), Jacob Hopkins (S3–5), Nicolas Cantu (S5–6), Duke Cutler (2020–), Kwesi Boakye (S1–2), Terrell Ransom Jr. (S3–5), Donielle T. Hansley Jr. (S5–6), Christian J. Simon (S6–), Kyla Rae Kowalewski, Teresa Gallagher, Dan Russell |
Composer(s) | Ben Locket, Neil Myers (S6), Xav Clarke (2020–) |
Country of origin | United States, United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 6 |
No. of episodes | 240 |
Executive producer(s) | Ben Bocquelet, Mic Graves, Daniel Lennard (S1–3), Michael Carrington (S1–2), Sarah Fell (S4–), Patricia Hidalgo (S4–6) |
Producer(s) | Joanna Beresford (S1), Ellen Collins (S4), Sarah Fell (S2–6) |
Editor(s) | Richard Overall, Tony Hull (S2–), Lucy Benson (S6–) |
Running time | 11 minutes |
Production company(s) | Cartoon Network Development Studio Europe |
Distributor | Warner Bros. Television Distribution |
Original network | Cartoon Network |
Related shows | Elliott from Earth |
Netflix ID | 70243420 |
Sobre The Amazing World of Gumball
This show follows the life of a blue 12-year-old cat and his adventures with a series of exotic creatures. The show uses many different styles of animation including traditional animation, puppetry, CGI, stop motion, and Flash animation.
Conquista de The Amazing World of Gumball
The character of Gumball had a cameo appearance on Uncle Grandpa in 2015. The show has also been adapted into comic book form in 2014.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre The Amazing World of Gumball
The Amazing World of Gumball Category.. Boom! Studios titles.. Middle school television series.. Metafictional television series.. Television shows set in California.. Annie Award winners.. 2010s American animated television series.
Últimas informações sobre The Amazing World of Gumball atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.