The Girl from Plainville is an upcoming American drama television series created by Liz Hannah and Patrick Macmanus. The television series stars Elle Fanning and Colton Ryan. The series is set to premiere on Hulu on March 29, 2022. A portion of the series is set to show at SXSW on March 12, 2022. The film is a dramatization of the events leading to the death of Conrad Roy and his girlfriend Michelle Carter's conviction for involuntary manslaughter.
Created by | Liz Hannah, Patrick Macmanus |
Starring | Elle Fanning, Colton Ryan, Chloë Sevigny, Norbert Leo Butz, Cara Buono, Kai Lennox |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
Executive producer(s) | Liz Hannah, Patrick Macmanus, Elle Fanning, Brittany Kahan Ward |
Production company(s) | UCP, Echo Lake Entertainment, Littleton Road Productions |
Distributor | NBCUniversal Television Distribution, Hulu |
Original network | Hulu |
Sobre The Girl from Plainville
Drama series about the true crime case of the death of Conrad Roy and his girlfriend Michelle Carter's conviction for involuntary manslaughter. She was accused of sending Conrad text messages that encouraged his suicide.
Conquista de The Girl from Plainville
The series was developed for streaming television by Liz Hannah and Patrick Macmanus. The pilot is titled "Star-Crossed Lovers and Things Like That."
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre The Girl from Plainville
American television series.
Últimas informações sobre The Girl from Plainville atualizado em 10 de Março, 2022.