The Girl in the Mirror is a Spanish supernatural thriller television series created by Sergio G. Sánchez for Netflix that premiered on 19 August 2022. The cast, led by Mireia Oriol, also features Álex Villazán, Pol Monen, Claudia Roset, Javier Morgade, Nil Cardoner, María Caballero, Milena Smit and Elena Irureta, among others.
Genre | Supernatural thriller, Horror |
Created by | Sergio G. Sánchez |
Written by | Sergio G. Sánchez, Teresa de Rosendo, Paul Pen |
Directed by | Sergio G. Sánchez, Kike Maíllo |
Starring | Mireia Oriol, Álex Villazán, Pol Monen, Claudia Roset, Javier Morgade, Nil Cardoner, María Caballero, Milena Smit, Elena Irureta |
Country of origin | Spain |
Original language(s) | Spanish |
No. of episodes | 9 |
Running time | 41–60 min. |
Production company(s) | Sospecha Films |
Distributor | Netflix |
Original network | Netflix |
Sobre The Girl in the Mirror
Supernatural thriller television series that follows Alma, a survivor of deadly bus crash. She wakes up in a hospital with amnesia and sets out to unravel what led to the tragic accident. The series was created for streaming television by Sergio G. Sánchez.
Conquista de The Girl in the Mirror
The series pilot is titled "Niebla." The first season consisted of nine episodes in total.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre The Girl in the Mirror
Spanish drama television series.
Últimas informações sobre The Girl in the Mirror atualizado em 26 de Agosto, 2022.