The Mighty Ones is an American animated television series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television and created by Sunil Hall and Lynne Naylor, which premiered on November 9, 2020, on Peacock and Hulu. It was renewed for a second season, which was released on July 1, 2021. It is the first TV series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television since their rename to be completely original material and not based on any pre-existing property. A third season premiered on September 1, 2022. A fourth and final season premiered on December 9, 2022.

Genre Fantasy, Comedy
Created by Sunil Hall, Lynne Naylor
Directed by Carder Scholin, Ben Bury, Nathan Bulmer, Erica Jones, Greg Miller
Voices of Josh Brener, Jimmy Tatro, Alex Cazares, Jessica McKenna, Janina Gavankar, Grey Griffin, Fryda Wolff
Theme music composer John Wicks
Composer(s) Alec Puro
Country of origin United States
Original language(s) English
No. of seasons 4
No. of episodes 40
Executive producer(s) Sunil Hall, Lynne Naylor (S1-2), Greg Miller (S3)
Producer(s) Greg Miller (supervising, S1-2), Andy Fiedler (line), Paul Tibbitt (consulting)
Running time 23 minutes
Production company(s) DreamWorks Animation Television
Distributor NBCUniversal Syndication Studios
Original network Hulu, Peacock

Sobre The Mighty Ones

Animated television series that follows the adventures of a twig, a pebble, a leaf and a strawberry. The unlikely bunch co-exist with three bumbling humans who think they are gods. The series was created by Sunil Hall and Lynne Naylor.

Conquista de The Mighty Ones

The show ran for a total of 40 episodes over the course of its 4 year run. It was produced by DreamWorks Animation Television. 

Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre The Mighty Ones

Television series by DreamWorks Animation.

Últimas informações sobre The Mighty Ones atualizado em 06 de Janeiro, 2023.