The Real Housewives of Dallas is an American reality television series that premiered on April 11, 2016 on Bravo. Developed as the ninth installment of The Real Housewives franchise, it has aired five seasons and focuses on the personal and professional lives of several women living in Dallas, Texas. The current cast consists of Stephanie Hollman, Brandi Redmond, D'Andra Simmons, Kameron Westcott, Kary Brittingham, and Tiffany Moon, with Jennifer Davis-Long serving as a friend of the housewives. Previously-featured cast members include original cast members Cary Deuber, Tiffany Hendra and LeeAnne Locken.
Genre | Reality television |
Created by | Scott Dunlop |
Starring | Cary Deuber, Tiffany Hendra, Stephanie Hollman, LeeAnne Locken, Brandi Redmond, D'Andra Simmons, Kameron Westcott, Kary Brittingham, Tiffany Moon |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 5 |
No. of episodes | 76 |
Executive producer(s) | Rich Bye, Andrew Hoegl, Andy Cohen |
Producer(s) | Samantha Billett, John Paparazzo, Adam Karpel |
Camera setup | Multiple |
Running time | 42 minutes |
Production company(s) | Goodbye Pictures |
Original network | Bravo |
Picture format | HDTV 1080i |
Preceded by | The Real Housewives of Potomac |
Followed by | The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City |
Sobre The Real Housewives of Dallas
A group of wealthy women show off their lives in their home state of Texas. The show was a spin-off of the original The Real Housewives of Orange County.
Conquista de The Real Housewives of Dallas
D'Andra Simmons joined the show in the second season. Tiffany Hendra was demoted to a guest star role in the second season.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre The Real Housewives of Dallas
Culture of Dallas.. Television shows set in Dallas.. Television shows filmed in Texas.. The Real Housewives.
Últimas informações sobre The Real Housewives of Dallas atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.