Annoying Orange is an American live-action/animated comedy series created by filmmaker Dane Boedigheimer in 2009. It stars its creator as an anthropomorphic orange who annoys fruits, vegetables, and various other objects by telling jokes and puns. Fred Figglehorn has appeared on the web series, mostly in Ask Orange and Annoying Orange vs. Fred. The show became popular, leading to a TV series, a video game, a range of toys, backpacks, couches, pillows, blankets, lunchboxes, drink bottles, mattresses, towels and a T-shirt line. Other accessories, such as costumes of the series' characters, have also appeared on the market. Since its inception, the Annoying Orange YouTube channel has amassed around 10.9 million subscribers.
Genre | Comedy, Off-color humor, Slapstick, Surreal comedy, Suspense, Toilet humor, Cringe comedy |
Created by | Dane Boedigheimer |
Written by | Spencer Grove, Dane Boedigheimer, Bob Jennings, Sara Christensen |
Directed by | Dane Boedigheimer, Bob Jennings |
Presented by | Dane Boedigheimer |
Voices of | Dane Boedigheimer, Justine Ezarik, Bob Jennings, Kevin Brueck, Various guest stars |
Narrated by | Dane Boedigheimer |
Composer(s) | Dane Boedigheimer, Kevin MacLeod |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 13 |
No. of episodes | 670 |
Executive producer(s) | Dane Boedigheimer Aaron Massey Kevin Nalty |
Production company(s) | Daneboe Productions, YouTube, The Collective (2009–2016), Annoying Orange, Inc. (2012–present), 3T Studios (2012-2014) |
Distributor | Google Play, YouTube |
Original network | YouTube |
Related shows | The Adventures of Liam The Leprechaun, The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange, The Misfortune of Being Ned, The Marshmallow Show, D.E.R.P, Wazzup, Trailer Trashed, The Juice, Emoji Raps, Foodsplosion, Facts, How2, The Adventures of Buttman, Let's Play Video Games, Story Time with Annoying Orange, Ask Orange, Shocktober (Only in October), X-Massacre / Christ-Massacre (Only in December)/Fruit Club |
Sobre Annoying Orange
Comedy series starring the creator of the show Dane Boedigheimer as an anthropomorphic orange who annoys other fruits and vegetables.
Conquista de Annoying Orange
The first video in the series, which inspired the further episodes and the start of the series, has earned over 200 million views and involves the orange annoying an apple.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre Annoying Orange
Syncro-Vox, a low-cost animation technique it has been used in the series.. Fruit and vegetable characters.. Works involved in a lawsuit.. Black comedy.. Surreal comedy.. Viral videos.
Últimas informações sobre Annoying Orange atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.