Camp Camp is an American animated comedic web series created by Jordan Cwierz and Miles Luna for Rooster Teeth. The show is primarily streamed through Rooster Teeth's website and YouTube, though series writer and supervising producer Gray G. Haddock hinted at a DVD/Blu-Ray release in February 2018. The show takes place at the fictional summer camp, Camp Campbell. The camp is owned by Cameron C. Campbell, an internationally wanted criminal, con-man, and, for a brief while, Prime Minister of Thailand.
Genre | Animated Comedy |
Created by | Jordan Cwierz, Miles Luna |
Written by | Jordan Cwierz, Miles Luna, Gray G. Haddock, Kerry Shawcross |
Directed by | Jordan Cwierz |
Voices of | Michael Jones, Miles Luna, Elizabeth Maxwell, Yuri Lowenthal, Lee Eddy |
Theme music composer | Miles Luna |
Opening theme | Camp Camp Theme Song Song |
Composer(s) | Benjamin Zecker |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 24 + 2 specials |
Executive producer(s) | Matt Hullum, Burnie Burns |
Producer(s) | Gray G. Haddock, Maggie Tominey |
Production company(s) | Rooster Teeth Animation |
Original network | Rooster Teeth, YouTube |
Sobre Camp Camp
Ten-year-old Max finds himself stuck at a dysfunctional summer camp where he must survive annoyingly cheerful counselors, fellow campers and eccentric surprises.
Conquista de Camp Camp
Jordan Cwierz and Miles Luna created the series. It was announced alongside the premiere of RWBY Chibi and the fourteenth season of Red vs. Blue.
Últimas informações sobre Camp Camp atualizado em 28 de Julho, 2021.