Boys Planet is an ongoing South Korean reality competition show created by Mnet. It premiered on Mnet on February 2, 2023 at 20:00 KST and airs every Thursday. From February 16, 2023, the show's airtime changed to 20:50 KST instead. Out of thousands of applicants, 98 contestants from various backgrounds were selected for the show. They were then equally split into two groups: K-Group and G-Group. The show serves as a sequel to Girls Planet 999, this time featuring all male contestants.
Genre | Reality competition |
Created by | Mnet |
Directed by | Kim Shin-young, Go Jeong-gyeong |
Presented by | Hwang Min-hyun (Ep. 1, 3–4), Sunmi (Ep. 2), Yeo Jin-goo (Ep. 5 + special), Minhyuk (Ep. 6–8 + special), Key (Ep. 8–9) |
Music by | Park Seung-seon, Kim Jong-woo |
Opening theme | "Here I Am" |
Country of origin | South Korea |
Original language(s) | Korean |
Executive producer(s) | Park Chan-wook |
Producer(s) | Shin Joon-bum |
Location(s) | South Korea |
Running time | 121–172 minutes |
Production company(s) | CJ ENM, NCSoft, Studio Take One |
Original network | Mnet |
Picture format | HDTV 1080i |
Audio format | Dolby Digital 5.1 |
Related shows | Girls Planet 999 |
Sobre Boys Planet
South Korean reality television contest that sees 98 male contestants from all walks of life compete for the opportunity to become the next big idol. The series is a spin-off of the reality contest Girls Planet 999.
Conquista de Boys Planet
The show's first season consisted of 12 episodes in total. The contestants were split into two groups called the K-Group and G-Group.
Principais fatos que você não sabia sobre Boys Planet
K-pop television series.. Music competitions in South Korea.
Últimas informações sobre Boys Planet atualizado em 04 de Abril, 2023.