The 2011 Teen Choice Awards ceremony, hosted by Kaley Cuoco, aired live on August 7, 2011, at 8/7c on Fox. This was the first time that the ceremonies were aired live since the 2007 show.
Date | August 7, 2011 |
Location | Gibson Amphitheatre, Los Angeles |
Hosted by | Kaley Cuoco |
Network | Fox |
О Тейлор 2011 Teen Choice Awards
Annual entertainment celebration of achievements in movies, television and music as well as miscellaneous other categories. It was the first time since the 2007 show that it was broadcast live.
Достижении 2011 Teen Choice Awards
щилл.и.ам served as the DJ Host for the evening. The night was filled with performances from Селена Гомез & the Scene, Йасон Деруло and Оне Републиц.
Последняя информация о 2011 Teen Choice Awards обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.