
Body Slam, also known as Bodyslam is a recurring ability in the Final Fantasy series. It is a single-target physical attack that reoccurs as an enemy ability and the ability of Warriors in the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance games.

О Тейлор Bodyslam

Phleng phuea chiwit, AKA Thai folk music, band originally called La-On as early as 1996 when the group competed and won the Hot Wave Music Awards. The group returned in 2002 as Bodyslam with only 3 of the original 6 members.

Достижении Bodyslam

The group won a number of Season Awards in 2008 in the categories of Best Rock Group, Best Rock Album and Best Rock Song.

Топ-факты о Bodyslam, которые вы не знали

Final Fantasy XI Blue Magic.

Последняя информация о Bodyslam обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.