A Boy Called Dad is a British feature film, produced by Made Up North Productions. It is the feature film debut of director Brian Percival, screenwriter Julie Rutterford, producers Michael Knowles and Stacey Murray, and co-producer Mark John. It stars Ian Hart and Kyle Ward as father and son.
Директор | Brian Percival |
Produced by | Michael Knowles, Stacey Murray, Mark John |
Writer(s) | Julie Rutterford |
Starring | Ian Hart, Louise Delamere, Kyle Ward |
Cinematography | David Katznelson |
Production, company | Made Up North Productions |
Released | June 18, 2009 (EIFF), April 30, 2010 (United Kingdom) |
Running time | 80 minutes |
Country | United Kingdom |
Language | English |
Budget | £1 million |
О Тейлор A Boy Called Dad
Drama about a 14 year-old named Robbie who is bitter about not having a father figure in his life. He himself had a child with a classmate that is being raised by a local criminal. When his estranged father re-enters his life he is left in a state of confusion.
Достижении A Boy Called Dad
The film was directed by Brian Percival. It premiered at the 2009 Edinburgh Film Festival where it was nominated for the Michael Powell award.
Топ-факты о A Boy Called Dad, которые вы не знали
Social realism in film.
Последняя информация о A Boy Called Dad обновлена 03 Январь, 2022.