О Тейлор American Beauty

A sexually frustrated advertising executive has a midlife crisis and becomes obsessed with the best friend of his teenage daughter. Screenwriter Алан Балл first began writing it as a play in the early 1990s, but scrapped it until 1997.

Достижении American Beauty

It was the best-reviewed American film of 1999 and went on to win Academy Awards for Best Picture, Бест Дирецтор (Сам Мендес), Бест Ацтор (Кевин Спацеы), Best Original Screenplay, and Best Cinematography.

Топ-факты о American Beauty, которые вы не знали

American Beauty (1999 film) A 1999 American black comedy-drama film written by Alan Ball and directed by Sam Mendes.. American Beauty (album) The fifth studio album by rock band the Grateful Dead.. American Beauty/American Psycho The sixth studio album by American rock band Fall Out Boy, released on January 16, 2015.... Rosa 'American Beauty' A deep pink rose cultivar, bred by Henri Lédéchaux in France in 1875, and was originally named...

Последняя информация о American Beauty обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.