Birdboy: The Forgotten Children is a 2015 Spanish animated drama-horror coming-of-age film written and directed by Alberto Vázquez and Pedro Rivero, based on the comic Psiconautas by Vázquez. It is the follow-up to the pair's short film Birdboy, following the titular character, a shy outcast in a post-apocalyptic society, and Dinky, a teenage mouse runaway fleeing her desolate island home.
Директор | Alberto Vázquez, Pedro Rivero |
Produced by | Farruco Castromán, Carlos Júarez, Luis Tosar |
Writer(s) | Alberto Vázquez, Pedro Rivero |
Music | Aránzazu Calleja, Victor García, Junna |
Cinematography | Jose Domingo, Alberto Vázquez |
Edited by | Iván Miñambres |
Production, company | ZircoZine, Basque Films, Abrakam Estudio, La Competencia Producciones, Studio 4°C |
Distributed by | Netflix |
Released | September 24, 2015 (San Sebastian Film Festival) |
Running time | 76 minutes |
Country | Spain |
Language | Spanish |
Budget | €1 million |
Box office | $52,366 |
О Тейлор Birdboy: The Forgotten Children
Spanish animated coming-of-age film about Birdboy, a shy outcast in a post-apocalyptic society. The story follows his adventures with Dinky, a teenage mouse runaway.
Достижении Birdboy: The Forgotten Children
The film is based on the comic Psiconautas by Alberto Vázquez.
Топ-факты о Birdboy: The Forgotten Children, которые вы не знали
Films based on Spanish comics.. Spanish animated films.. Animated films based on comics.. Animated feature films.
Последняя информация о Birdboy: The Forgotten Children обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.