Black and Blue

Black and Blue is the 13th British and 15th American studio album by the English rock band the Rolling Stones, released on 23 April 1976 by Rolling Stones Records. This album was the first recorded after former guitarist Mick Taylor quit in December 1974. As he had done the previous time the Stones were between second guitarists in 1968, Keith Richards recorded the bulk of the guitar parts himself, though the album recording sessions also served as an audition for Taylor's replacement. Richards said of the album that it was used for "rehearsing guitar players, that's what that one was about." Numerous guitarists showed up to auditions; those who appeared on the album were Wayne Perkins, Harvey Mandel, and Ronnie Wood. Wood had previously contributed to the title track from the It's Only Rock 'n Roll album, and would become a full-time member of the Stones in 1976.

О Тейлор Black and Blue

A rookie police officer in New Orleans witnesses two corrupt cops commit murder. The movie is directed by Deon Taylor and written by Peter A. Dowling.

Достижении Black and Blue

The movie had its world premiere at the 2019 Urbanworld Film Festival. It was then distributed theatrically by Screen Gems.

Топ-факты о Black and Blue, которые вы не знали

Rolling Stones Records albums.. The Rolling Stones albums.. Albums produced by The Glimmer Twins.

Последняя информация о Black and Blue обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.