Camp Takota is a 2014 comedy-drama film starring YouTube personalities Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart and Mamrie Hart. The film is directed by Nick Riedell and Chris Riedell, also known as The Brothers Riedell, and produced by Michael Goldfine. The film, produced by RockStream Studios, was released on February 14, 2014.
Директор | Chris Riedell, Nick Riedell |
Produced by | Michael Goldfine |
Screenplay by | Mamrie Hart, Lydia Genner |
Story by | Mamrie Hart, Michael Goldfine |
Starring | Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart, Hannah Hart |
Cinematography | Nick Riedell |
Edited by | Victor Du Bois |
Production, company | RockStream Studios |
Distributed by | VHX |
Released | 14, 2014 |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
О Тейлор Camp Takota
Comedy-drama directed by The Brothers Riedell, Nick and Цхрис, about a woman named Elise who takes a job as a counselor at her old summer camp after her personal and professional life fall apart.
Достижении Camp Takota
The announcement of the film was made public at a YouTube Vidcon event. Production began in California in August of 2013 and took place over 18 days.
Топ-факты о Camp Takota, которые вы не знали
Summer camps in films.