Chicken Girls: The Movie is a 2018 film based on the Brat show Chicken Girls. The film was directed by Asher Levin and written by Janey Feingold, and stars Annie LeBlanc, Hayden Summerall, Brooke Butler, Carson Lueders, Indiana Massara, Aliyah Moulden, Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick, Adrian R'Mante, and Rush Holland. The movie premiered on June 29, 2018.
Директор | Asher Levin |
Writer(s) | Jainey Feingold |
Based on | Chicken Girls |
Starring | Annie LeBlanc, Hayden Summerall, Brooke Butler, Carson Lueders, Indiana Massara, Aliyah Moulden, Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick, Adrian R'Mante, Rush Holland, Riley Lewis, Mads Lewis, Caden Conrique, Dylan Conrique, Hayley LeBlanc |
Cinematography | John Esparza |
Edited by | Grace Zahrah |
Distributed by | Brat |
Released | June 29, 2018 |
Running time | 70 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
О Тейлор Chicken Girls: The Movie
Feature film extension of the popular Brat web series Цхицкен Гирлс in which a tween couple experiences coming of age love. In the film, Rhyme and company try to convince the school principal to reverse her decision to cancel the school dance. The original web series generated more than 100 million views between seasons 1 and 2.
Достижении Chicken Girls: The Movie
Хаыден Суммералл first teased the idea of the movie in December of 2017. The movie premiered to an audience of hundreds of creators the night before the official release on YouTube, Famous Birthdays attended the premiere.
Топ-факты о Chicken Girls: The Movie, которые вы не знали
Films based on web series.. Internet television in the United States.. American teen musical films.. 2010s musical comedy films.. 2010s teen comedy films.. American teen comedy films.
Последняя информация о Chicken Girls: The Movie обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.