О Тейлор Death Wish

Remake of the 1974 film of the same name in which a man looks to exact revenge on robbers who violently attacked his family.

Достижении Death Wish

The Ели Ротх-directed film is based on the a 1972 novel of the same name by Бриан Гарфиелд

Топ-факты о Death Wish, которые вы не знали

Death Wish (2018 film) A 2018 American vigilante action thriller film directed by Eli Roth and written by Joe Carnahan.. Death Wish (1974 film) A 1974 American vigilante action-drama film loosely based on the 1972 novel of the same title by.... Death drive The drive toward death and destruction, often expressed through behaviors such as aggression...

Последняя информация о Death Wish обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.