Heretiks is a 2017 British film written by Paul Hyett and Conal Palmer, and directed by Paul Hyett. The pair previously collaborated on the 2012 film The Seasoning House. Described as "a classic period tale with a modern, harder, stylish edge". Heretiks has also been called "downright creepy".
Директор | Paul Hyett |
Produced by | Michael Riley Marcia Do Vales |
Writer(s) | Paul Hyett and Conal Palmer |
Story by | Gregory Blair |
Starring | Michael Ironside, Rosie Day, Hannah Arterton |
Music | Paul E. Francis |
Cinematography | Neil Oseman |
Production, companies | Templeheart Films, EnMar Productions, Sterling Pictures, BCSM Enterprises Red Rock Entertainment. |
Country | United Kingdom |
Language | English |
О Тейлор Heretiks
After being falsely accused and rescued by Reverend Mother, a young woman named Persephone is taken to a religious scared ground. While there however, she began going through a mental battle for salvation.
Достижении Heretiks
This movie was directed and written by Paul Hyett.
Топ-факты о Heretiks, которые вы не знали
Unreleased films.