Home Alone is a 1990 American comedy film directed by Chris Columbus and written by John Hughes. It is the first film in the Home Alone franchise, and stars Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern, John Heard, and Catherine O'Hara. Home Alone follows Kevin McCallister as he defends his home from burglars Harry and Marv after his family accidentally leaves him behind in Chicago on their vacation to Paris. Hughes conceived the film while preparing to go on vacation; to be produced and distributed by Warner Bros., the film exceeded its arranged budget, and 20th Century Fox assumed responsibilities following secret meetings with Hughes. Columbus and Culkin were soon cast, and filming took place between February and May 1990 on location across Illinois. Home Alone premiered in Chicago on November 10, 1990, and was theatrically released in the United States on November 16. Upon release, it became a financial success and received positive reviews, with praise for its cast, humor, and music.
Директор | Chris Columbus |
Produced by | John Hughes |
Writer(s) | John Hughes |
Starring | Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern, John Heard, Catherine O'Hara |
Music | John Williams |
Cinematography | Julio Macat |
Edited by | Raja Gosnell |
Production, company | Hughes Entertainment |
Distributed by | 20th Century Fox |
Released | November 10, 1990 (Chicago), November 16, 1990 (United States) |
Running time | 103 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $18 million |
Box office | $476.7 million |
О Тейлор Home Alone
Цхрис Цолумбус directed film about a young boy who must protect his house from a pair of would-be burglars after he is left behind by his family.
Достижении Home Alone
The ornaments that Marv steps on in the film are actually candy. Many iconic lines from the film were improvised.
Топ-факты о Home Alone, которые вы не знали
Home Alone (franchise).. Films directed by Chris Columbus.. Films produced by John Hughes (filmmaker).. Films shot in Illinois.. Films set in Illinois.. Films set in Chicago.. American children's comedy films.