
"Invictus" is a short poem by the Victorian era British poet William Ernest Henley. It was written in 1875 and published in 1888 in his first volume of poems, Book of Verses, in the section Life and Death.

Written 1875
Country United Kingdom
Genre(s) Lyric poetry
Publication date 1888
Media type Print
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О Тейлор Invictus

In order to unite an apartheid-torn nation, Нелсон Мандела attempts to inspire the country's national rugby team to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup.

Достижении Invictus

Both Матт Дамон and Морган Фрееман were nominated for acting awards at the Academy Awards in 2009. The movie was based on the book by John Carlin.

Топ-факты о Invictus, которые вы не знали

If—, Rudyard Kipling.. The Man in the Arena, Theodore Roosevelt.. Agency (philosophy) - Agency is the capacity of an actor to act in a given environment. It is independent of the moral dimension, which is called moral agency. In sociology, an agent is an individual engaging with the social structure.

Последняя информация о Invictus обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.