Malibu Rescue is an American comedy television series created by Savage Steve Holland and Scott McAboy for Netflix. It premiered as a special feature-length film on May 13, 2019, followed by the first season on June 3, 2019. Netflix commissioned a second film in September 2019, Malibu Rescue: The Next Wave, which premiered on August 4, 2020. The series stars Ricardo Hurtado, Jackie R. Jacobson, Abby Donnelly, Alkoya Brunson and Breanna Yde.

Genre Action-adventure, Comedy
Created by Savage Steve Holland, Scott McAboy
Starring Ricardo Hurtado, Breanna Yde, Jackie R. Jacobson, Abby Donnelly, Alkoya Brunson
Composer(s) Zack Ryan
Country of origin United States
Original language(s) English
No. of seasons 1
No. of episodes 8 (plus 2 films)
Executive producer(s) Scott Thomas, Jed Elinoff, Savage Steve Holland, Scott McAboy
Producer(s) Amy Sydorick
Cinematography Keith Dunkerley
Editor(s) Michael John Bateman
Production company(s) Pacific Bay Entertainment, Entertainment Force
Distributor Netflix
Original network Netflix
Netflix ID 80244783

О Тейлор Malibu Rescue

A teenage troublemaker is forced to spend his summer training for an elite junior lifeguard program. The Netflix film was directed by Savage Steve Holland.

Достижении Malibu Rescue

Stars Рицардо Хуртадо and Бреанна Ыде had previously worked together in the Nickelodeon series Сцхоол оф Роцк. A few weeks after the film premiere, Netflix would debut a follow-up television show called Malibu Rescue: The Series.

Топ-факты о Malibu Rescue, которые вы не знали

Television shows set in Malibu, California.. American adventure television series.. American action television series.

Последняя информация о Malibu Rescue обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.