Monster Butler is an unfinished independent thriller drama film based on the true story of Archibald Hall. The film follows his journey into his dark lifestyle and how he is eventually captured. It was to be directed by Douglas Rath and star Malcolm McDowell as Archibald Hall, with Gary Oldman, Dominic Monaghan, and Evanna Lynch. Production was to be by Dark House Films, with Warner Bros. Pictures set to distribute.
Директор | Douglas Rath |
Produced by | Malcolm McDowell, Diane Da Silva, Chris Roe |
Screenplay by | Peter Bellwood |
Starring | Malcolm McDowell, Gary Oldman, Dominic Monaghan, Evanna Lynch, Joanne Whalley, Geoff Bell |
Cinematography | Shane Daly |
Edited by | Patrick McMahon |
Production, company | Dark House Films |
Distributed by | Warner Bros. Pictures |
Country | England, United States, Canada |
Language | English |
О Тейлор Monster Butler
This short film is based on the true story of the serial-killing con-man named Archibald Hall, who worked secretly as a butler by the name of Roy Fontaine. He primarily worked and killed many upper-class families across the England and Scotland area. This film first premiered in May 2010.
Достижении Monster Butler
This film first premiered in May 2010. It film stars actors such as Сам Йонес ИИИ and Малцолм МцДощелл.
Топ-факты о Monster Butler, которые вы не знали
2010s unfinished films.. Screenplays by Peter Bellwood.. Films shot in Scotland.. Films shot in Canada.. Films set in Maine.. Canadian independent films.. Films shot in England.. Films set in the 1970s.. 2010s independent films.. British independent films.
Последняя информация о Monster Butler обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.