Much Ado about Nothing

Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy by William Shakespeare thought to have been written in 1598 and 1599. The play was included in the First Folio, published in 1623. The play is set in Messina and centers around two romantic pairings that emerge when a group of soldiers arrive in the town. The first, between Claudio and Hero, is nearly altered by the accusations of the villain, Don John. The second romance, between Claudio's friend Benedick and Hero's cousin Beatrice, takes center stage as the play goes on, with both characters' wit and banter providing much of the humor. Through "noting", Benedick and Beatrice are tricked into confessing their love for each other, and Claudio is tricked into believing that Hero is not a maiden. The title's play on words references the secrets and trickery that form the backbone of the play's comedy, intrigue, and action.

О Тейлор Much Ado about Nothing

As Claudio and Hero are getting ready for their wedding, they try to get their sour friends to fall in love and marry as well. However, with Don John's deceiving ways, the wedding is sure to not go as planned.

Достижении Much Ado about Nothing

The film is based on Щиллиам Схакеспеаре's play of the same name. Кеннетх Бранагх wrote the screenplay, produced, directed and stars in the film. 

Топ-факты о Much Ado about Nothing, которые вы не знали

Margaret (moon), a moon of Uranus, named after the character from Much Ado About Nothing.. Shakespearean comedies.. Plays set in Sicily.. British plays adapted into films.. English Renaissance plays.

Последняя информация о Much Ado about Nothing обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.