Rescued by Ruby is an upcoming 2022 American Netflix original biographical drama film directed by Katt Shea. Its story follows a state trooper named Dan, who dreams of joining the K-9 search and rescue team of the state police, however has been unsuccessful in doing so until he befriends a shelter dog named Ruby. The film is set to be released on March 17, 2022.

Директор Katt Shea
Produced by Dan Angel, Jane Charles, Brian Gott
Writer(s) Karen Janszen
Starring Grant Gustin, Scott Wolf, Kaylah Zander
Cinematography David Bercovici-Artieda
Edited by Richard Nord
Production, company Fezziwig Studios
Distributed by Netflix
Released March 17, 2022
Running time 90 minutes
Country United States
Language English

О Тейлор Rescued by Ruby

Biographical drama film about a law enforcement officer who hopes to join the ranks of an elite K-9 unit. He ends up partnering with a clever but naughty shelter pup Ruby in this film directed by Katt Shea.

Достижении Rescued by Ruby

The film is based on a true story. The film was edited by Richard Nord. 

Топ-факты о Rescued by Ruby, которые вы не знали

Films about dogs.

Последняя информация о Rescued by Ruby обновлена 10 Март, 2022.