О Тейлор Taking Off

When their teenage daughter runs away, a suburban couple link up with other parents of vanished children and learn about youth culture.

Достижении Taking Off

The film won the Grand Prix at the 1971 Cannes Film Festival.

Топ-факты о Taking Off, которые вы не знали

Taking Off (film) A 1971 American comedy film, the first made in the USA by Czech director Miloš Forman, which.... Takeoff The phase of flight in which an aerospace vehicle or animal goes from the ground to flying in the.... Takin' Off The debut album of jazz pianist Herbie Hancock originally released in 1962 for the Blue Note.... Taking Off (soundtrack) The soundtrack to the 1971 movie"Taking Off" directed by Miloš Forman and starring Lynn Carlin.... Taking Off (Neil Innes album) The second solo album by Neil Innes and was released in 1977.. Taking Off (David Sanborn album) A studio album by David Sanborn, released in 1975 through the record label Warner Bros. The album.... "Taking Off" (song) The twelfth studio album by British alternative rock band The Cure.

Последняя информация о Taking Off обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.