The Lazarus Project is a 2008 American drama/thriller film directed and written by John Patrick Glenn. It stars Paul Walker as Ben, a former criminal who gets a second chance at life and mysteriously wakes up working at a psychiatric hospital. Piper Perabo, Linda Cardellini, Malcolm Goodwin, Tony Curran and Bob Gunton also star in the film, which was released on DVD on October 21, 2008.
Директор | John Patrick Glenn |
Produced by | David Hoberman, Todd Lieberman, Travis Adam Wright |
Writer(s) | John Patrick Glenn, Evan Astrowsky |
Starring | Paul Walker, Linda Cardellini, Piper Perabo, Malcolm Goodwin, Tony Curran, Bob Gunton, Lambert Wilson |
Music | Brian Tyler |
Cinematography | Jerzy Zielinski |
Edited by | Fred Raskin |
Distributed by | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment |
Released | October 21, 2008 |
Running time | 100 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Netflix ID | 70105820 |
О Тейлор The Lazarus Project
Written and directed by John Patrick Glenn, the film follows a former criminal who wakes up to mysteriously find himself working in a psychiatric facility.
Достижении The Lazarus Project
Паул Щалкер was the first choice for the lead role as
Ben Garvey. The title of the film refers to New Testament character Lazarus who Jesus helps to rise from the dead.
Топ-факты о The Lazarus Project, которые вы не знали
Films shot in Manitoba.. Mandeville Films films.. Films set in Oregon.. American thriller drama films.
Последняя информация о The Lazarus Project обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.