The Pebble and the Penguin is a 1995 American independent animated film directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman. The film stars the voices of Martin Short, Jim Belushi, Tim Curry, and Annie Golden. Based on the true life mating rituals of the Adélie penguins in Antarctica, the film focuses on a timid, stuttering penguin named Hubie who tries to impress a beautiful penguin named Marina by giving her a pebble that fell from the sky and keep her from the clutches of an evil penguin named Drake who wants Marina for himself. Towards the end of production, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer significantly changed the movie, forcing Don Bluth and Gary Goldman to leave their film and demand to have their names taken off the film. The two would later start working at Fox Animation Studios. The film was released in the United States on April 12, 1995, by MGM/UA Distribution Co., receiving negative reviews from critics and being a box office bomb, grossing only $3.9 million against a $28 million budget.
Директор | Don Bluth (uncredited), Gary Goldman (uncredited) |
Produced by | Russell Boland, Don Bluth (uncredited), Gary Goldman (uncredited), John Pomeroy (uncredited) |
Screenplay by | Rachel Koretsky, Steven Whitestone |
Starring | Martin Short, James Belushi, Tim Curry, Annie Golden |
Narrator | Shani Wallis |
Music | Barry Manilow, Mark Watters |
Edited by | Fiona Trayler, Aran O'Reilly |
Production, company | Don Bluth Limited |
Distributed by | MGM/UA Distribution Co. (United States), Warner Bros. (International) |
Released | April 12, 1995 (United States) |
Running time | 74 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $28 million |
Box office | $3.9 million |
Netflix ID | 848028 |
О Тейлор The Pebble and the Penguin
Independent animated film that follows an introverted penguin who musters up the courage to present a betrothal stone to the penguin of his dreams. The film was directed by Дон Блутх and Гары Голдман.
Достижении The Pebble and the Penguin
One of the movie's marquee musical numbers is the song "Good Ship Misery."
Топ-факты о The Pebble and the Penguin, которые вы не знали
Films produced by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman.. Films directed by Don Bluth.. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer animated films.. Films directed by Gary Goldman.. Animated films about penguins.. Films set in Antarctica.. 1990s musical comedy films.. Films set in Brazil.. Animated buddy films.. 1990s American animated films.. American fantasy comedy films.. American buddy films.
Последняя информация о The Pebble and the Penguin обновлена 14 Март, 2023.