The Pirate Fairy is a 2014 American 3D computer-animated fantasy film directed by Peggy Holmes. It is the fifth direct-to-video feature-length animated film in the Disneytoon Studios' Tinker Bell film series and the Disney Fairies franchise, based on the character Tinker Bell from J. M. Barrie's Peter and Wendy. The film features the voices of Mae Whitman, reprising her role of Tinker Bell, Christina Hendricks as a dust-keeper fairy named Zarina, and Tom Hiddleston as a much younger James Hook.
Директор | Peggy Holmes |
Produced by | Jenni Magee-Cook |
Screenplay by | Jeffrey M. Howard, Kate Kondell |
Story by | John Lasseter, Peggy Holmes, Bobs Gannaway, Jeffrey M. Howard, Lorna Cook, Craig Gerber |
Starring | Mae Whitman, Christina Hendricks, Tom Hiddleston, Lucy Liu, Raven-Symoné, Megan Hilty, Pamela Adlon, Angela Bartys, Anjelica Huston |
Music | Joel McNeely |
Edited by | Anna Catalano |
Production, company | Disneytoon Studios, Prana Studios |
Distributed by | Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment |
Released | February 13, 2014 (Denmark), April 1, 2014 (United States) |
Running time | 78 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Box office | $64.9 million |
Netflix ID | 70302844 |
О Тейлор The Pirate Fairy
Direct-to-video feature-length animated film about Тинкер Белл and her friends as they search for a peer who left Pixie Hollow to join a band of pirates. The film was directed by Peggy Holmes.
Достижении The Pirate Fairy
The movie is the fifth entry into Bell's standalone spin-offs. Original music for the film was composed by Йоел МцНеелы.
Топ-факты о The Pirate Fairy, которые вы не знали
2010s computer-animated films.. Tinker Bell films.. DisneyToon Studios animated films.. Disney direct-to-video animated films.. Pirate films.. Films set in Scotland.. 2010s American animated films.
Последняя информация о The Pirate Fairy обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.