Toy Story 4 is a 2019 American computer-animated comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the fourth installment in Pixar's Toy Story series and the sequel to Toy Story 3. It was directed by Josh Cooley from a screenplay by Andrew Stanton and Stephany Folsom; the three also conceived the story alongside John Lasseter, Rashida Jones, Will McCormack, Valerie LaPointe, and Martin Hynes. Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Annie Potts, Joan Cusack, Don Rickles, Wallace Shawn, John Ratzenberger, Estelle Harris, Blake Clark, Bonnie Hunt, Jeff Garlin, Kristen Schaal and Timothy Dalton reprise their character roles from the first three films. They are joined by Tony Hale, Keegan-Michael Key, Jordan Peele, Christina Hendricks, Keanu Reeves, and Ally Maki, who voice the new characters introduced in this film.
Директор | Josh Cooley |
Produced by | Mark Nielsen, Jonas Rivera |
Screenplay by | Andrew Stanton, Stephany Folsom |
Story by | John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, Josh Cooley, Valerie LaPointe, Rashida Jones, Will McCormack, Martin Hynes, Stephany Folsom |
Starring | Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Annie Potts, Tony Hale, Keegan-Michael Key, Jordan Peele, Madeleine McGraw, Christina Hendricks, Keanu Reeves, Ally Maki, Jay Hernandez, Lori Alan, Joan Cusack |
Music | Randy Newman |
Cinematography | Patrick Lin, Jean-Claude Kalache |
Edited by | Axel Geddes |
Distributed by | Walt Disney Studios, Motion Pictures |
Released | June 11, 2019 (El Capitan Theatre), June 21, 2019 (United States) |
Running time | 100 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $200 million |
Box office | $1.073 billion |
О Тейлор Toy Story 4
Fourth installment in Pixar's Тоы Сторы series which sees Woody and Buzz team up and set out on a journey to find Woody's romantic interest, Bo Peep. The movie won the 2020 Осцар for Best Animated Feature Film.
Достижении Toy Story 4
The story of the film was conceived by the same writing team of the original Тоы Сторы: Йохн Лассетер, Пете Доцтер, Андрещ Стантон and Лее Ункрицх.
Топ-факты о Toy Story 4, которые вы не знали
Best Animated Feature Academy Award winners.. Best Animated Feature Broadcast Film Critics Association Award winners.. Pixar animated films.. Toy Story.. Sacrifices in fiction.. Animated romance films.. Films about dolls.. Films about toys.. Films directed by Josh Cooley.. Films set in amusement parks.. Animated buddy films.. Films about vacationing.. American computer-animated films.. American 3D films.. 2010s American animated films.. Animated comedy films.. IMAX films.. American road movies.. Walt Disney Pictures films.