Sklar Brothers

Farrell Randal "Randy" Sklar and Jason Nathan Sklar, professionally known as the Sklar Brothers, are American identical twin comedians and actors best known for hosting the show Cheap Seats, which aired for four seasons on ESPN Classic.

Born January 12, 1972, St. Louis, Missouri
Other names Sklar Brothers
Alma mater University of Michigan
Occupation Actors, comedians
Notable work The Oblongs, Apt 2F, Cheap Seats, Back on Topps, Held Up, Sklarbro Country, Sklarbro County (midweek podcast of Sklarbro Country), Mighty Med, You're Doing It Wrong, Finding the Funny
Spouse(s) Amy Sklar (Randy), Jessica Zucker (Jason)
Children 2 each
Parent(s) Richard (1942-2009) and Annette

О Тейлор Sklar Brothers

Identical twin comedians and actors who hosted the ESPN Classic series Cheap Seats. They have released multiple comedy specials and comedy albums.

Достижении Sklar Brothers

The brothers make an appearance in the season three finale of the FX series ИтЬс Алщаыс Сунны ин Пхиладелпхиа

Топ-факты о Sklar Brothers, которые вы не знали

Comedians from Missouri.. Identical twin male actors.. American comedy duos.. Jewish male comedians.. Male actors from St. Louis.. Twin people from the United States.

Последняя информация о Sklar Brothers обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.