In Your Words - Rebecca Black

"In Your Words" is a song by American singer Rebecca Black. The single was released on November 23, 2012, and the music video was released the same day.

Format Digital download
Genre Country pop
Length 3:06
Label RB

О Тейлор In Your Words - Rebecca Black

Break up country pop song performed live at Ребецца Блацк's debut concert at the House of Blues in December 2012.

Достижении In Your Words - Rebecca Black

The composition of the song uses midtempo acoustic guitar. The Music video debuted the same day that the song was released.

Топ-факты о In Your Words - Rebecca Black, которые вы не знали

Rebecca Black songs.

Последняя информация о In Your Words - Rebecca Black обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.