О Тейлор Vete Pa La - Lele Pons

Single from Леле Понс that was released along with a music video that features a number of dancers, including Деланеы Глазер and Йамие Хауптманн. The song was Pons' first solo release of 2019 following collaborations with ЛыанноЙаке Ощен and Фуего.

Достижении Vete Pa La - Lele Pons

Pons announced the song to her Instagram followers a week before the song's release, providing a clip of the song. It was produced by Схотс Студиос & Music and was an Interscope records Release.

Последняя информация о Vete Pa La - Lele Pons обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.