Team Secret is a global esports team formed in 2014, best known for their Dota 2 team. In March 2016, Team Secret picked up an international female Counter-Strike: Global Offensive team. In April 2016, Team Secret expanded into the world of Street Fighter with Lee "Poongko" Chung-Gon as their first World Warrior, and also signed Otto "Silent Wolf" Bisno as a Super Smash Bros. Melee player. In July 2018 Team Secret entered into competitive Age of Empires 2 after acquiring key members from Team TyRanT. In August 2018, Team Secret expanded into Rainbow Six Siege Pro League by signing Team IDK.
Sport | esports |
Head coach | Lee "Heen" Seung-gon |
Manager | Cyborgmatt, John Yao |
О Тейлор Team Secret
Global eSports team most well known for their ДотА 2 team that is based in Europe. They also added Цоунтер-Стрике: Global Offensive, Rainbow Six Siege, Стреет Фигхтер, Super Smash Bros. Melee, ПлаыерУнкнощнЬс Баттлегроундс and Age of Empires 2 rosters.
Достижении Team Secret
Rumors of a new all-star team began to rise in 2014 after BigDaddy and Fly left Фнатиц. The team debuted and showed their roster in a match against Alliance.
Топ-факты о Team Secret, которые вы не знали
Fighting game player sponsors.. Vainglory (video game) teams.. Super Smash Bros. player sponsors.. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege teams.. Dota teams.