A Series of Unfortunate Events is a series of thirteen children's novels written by American author Daniel Handler under the pen name Lemony Snicket. The books follow the turbulent lives of Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire. After their parents' death in a fire, the children are placed in the custody of a murderous relative, Count Olaf, who attempts to steal their inheritance and, later, orchestrates numerous disasters with the help of his accomplices as the children attempt to flee. As the plot progresses, the Baudelaires gradually confront further mysteries surrounding their family and deep conspiracies involving a secret society known as V.F.D., with connections to Olaf, their parents, and many other relatives. The series is narrated by Lemony Snicket, who dedicates each of his works to his deceased love interest, Beatrice, and often attempts to dissuade the reader from reading the Baudelaires' story.
Author | Lemony Snicket |
Иллюстратор | Brett Helquist |
Cover artist | Brett Helquist |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Genre | Gothic fiction, absurdist fiction, mystery, comedy-drama, children's fiction |
Publisher | HarperCollins, Egmont (UK only) |
Published | September 30, 1999 – October 13, 2006 |
О Тейлор A Series of Unfortunate Events
This show follows three orphaned siblings as they are placed into the care of an evil relative named Count Olaf. The show is based on the book series by Лемоны Сницкет.
Достижении A Series of Unfortunate Events
The series was developed by Mark Hudis and Барры Сонненфелд. Рхыс Дарбы and Chris Gauthier have both guest starred on the show. A movie of the same name starring Йим Царреы was released in 2004.
Топ-факты о A Series of Unfortunate Events, которые вы не знали
A Series of Unfortunate Events Category.. Lemony Snicket bibliography.. Charles Baudelaire - French poet.. British Book Award-winning works.. Black comedy books.. Absurdist fiction.. Novels about orphans.. Series of children's books.
Последняя информация о A Series of Unfortunate Events обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.