Acting Dead is an American satirical dark comedy about the world of Hollywood zombies. The series focuses on Tate Blodgett, a zombie, and Alex Carbonneux, a ghost, as they both struggle with their new afterlife.

Genre Horror, Comedy
Created by Brian Beacock
Written by Brian Beacock
Directed by Alan David Morgan
Starring Brian Beacock, Jillian Clare, Chris Galya, Patrika Darbo, Paul Nygro, John Yelvington
Composer(s) Jamie Forsyth
No. of seasons 1
No. of episodes 11
Producer(s) Susan Bernhardt, Brian Beacock, Paul Nygro
Cinematography Jared Hoy
Production company(s) Leonian

О Тейлор Acting Dead

Dark comedy about the world of Hollywood zombies. The series focuses on a zombie and a ghost, as they both struggle with their new afterlife. The series streamed on Amazon Prime video.

Достижении Acting Dead

In 2016, Патрика Дарбо won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Actress in a Short Form Comedy or Drama Series for the series.

Топ-факты о Acting Dead, которые вы не знали

Zombies in television.. American web series.

Последняя информация о Acting Dead обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.