Alice in Borderland is a Japanese suspense manga series written and illustrated by Haro Aso. It was serialized in Shogakukan's Shōnen Sunday S magazine from November 2010 to March 2015, and later moved to Weekly Shōnen Sunday in April 2015 and finished in March 2016. Its chapters were collected in eighteen tankōbon volumes. Alice in Borderland was adapted into a 3-episode original video animation, released from October 2014 to February 2015. A live-action series produced by Netflix and directed by Shinsuke Satō premiered worldwide in December 2020.
О Тейлор Alice in Borderland
Japanese series about a group of bored juvenile delinquents who are transported to a parallel dimension as part of a twisted survival game. The series is a modern retelling of Лещис Царролл's Through the Looking-Glass.
Достижении Alice in Borderland
The show is an adaptation of Haro Aso's manga series of the same name.
Топ-факты о Alice in Borderland, которые вы не знали
Hyde & Closer — Another manga series written and illustrated by Haro Aso.. Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead — Another manga series written by Haro Aso.. Suspense anime and manga.. Silver Link.. Death games in fiction.. Manga adapted into television series.. Horror anime and manga.. Supernatural anime and manga.. Sentai Filmworks.. Shogakukan manga.
Последняя информация о Alice in Borderland обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.