American Rust

American Rust is a novel by American writer Philipp Meyer, published in 2009. It is set in the 2000s, in the fictional town of Buell in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, which is in a rural region referred to as "the Valley" of dilapidated steel towns. The novel focuses on the decline of the American middle class and well-paying manufacturing jobs, and the general sense of economic and social malaise of what has become known as the New Gilded Age. Meyer's novel received positive reviews, and many publications ranked it one of the best novels of the year. American Rust was published in 2009 in the United States, Great Britain, Australia, and The Netherlands; in 2010 it was published in France, Germany, Italy, Korea, Israel, Greece, and Serbia.

О Тейлор American Rust

Family drama that explores the tattered American dream through the eyes of a police chief in a Rust Belt town in southwest Pennsylvania. The series was created for television by Дан Футтерман.

Достижении American Rust

The show is based on Philipp Meyer's novel of the same name. Filming was done on location in and around Pittsburgh.

Топ-факты о American Rust, которые вы не знали

Novels set in Pennsylvania.

Последняя информация о American Rust обновлена 15 Февраль, 2022.