О Тейлор Catch-22

Satirical WWII series based on Йосепх Хеллер's classic novel of the same name in which a US Army Air Force bombardier is furious about thousands of strangers trying to kill him. It was made available on Hulu in the US, and on Sky Italia in Italy.

Достижении Catch-22

Георге Цлоонеы served as a principal actor, director and executive producer on the series. Fellow executive producer David Michôd was a co-writer of the show along with Luke Davies.

Топ-факты о Catch-22, которые вы не знали

Catch-22 A satirical war novel by American author Joseph Heller.. Catch-22 (logic) A paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules or.... Hobson's choice A free choice in which only one thing is offered.

Последняя информация о Catch-22 обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.