Cheese in the Trap is a South Korean manhwa series written and illustrated by Soonkki. The webtoon was released on Internet portal Naver WEBTOON since 2010, and the first volume in print was published on March 2, 2012. It was adapted into a television series of the same name, which started airing on January 4, 2016.

Genre Romance, drama
Author Soonkki
Publisher Jfun
English publisher WEBTOON
Magazine Naver WEBTOON
Original run 64px
Collected volumes 15

О Тейлор Cheese in the Trap

South Korean series detailing the delicate relationship between a female university student and her senior. It was adapted from a webtoon of the same name by Soonkki.

Достижении Cheese in the Trap

Парк Хае-йин won Best Actor at the Korean Cable TV Awards 2016 and 1st Asia Artist Awards. Ким Го-еун won the Baeksang Arts Award for Best New Actress (Television).

Топ-факты о Cheese in the Trap, которые вы не знали

Romantic comedy comics.. Naver Comics titles.. Mystery comics.. Manhwa titles.

Последняя информация о Cheese in the Trap обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.