О Тейлор Get Real
The Green family seems to function best when everything's moving in disarray. Living in a house with three teenagers, everyday always promises new issues.
Достижении Get Real
Actor Йессе Еисенберг and actress Анне Хатхащаы made their professional television debuts as members of this show. Even though Анне Хатхащаы played the role of being the oldest Green sibling, Ериц Цхристиан Олсен is almost 6 years older than her.
Топ-факты о Get Real, которые вы не знали
Get Real (film) A 1998 British romantic comedy-drama film directed by Simon Shore, based on the play What's Wrong.... Get Real (American TV series) An American comedy-drama series that aired on the Fox Network and ran from September 1999 to...