Hank Zipzer: The World's Greatest Underachiever is a series of children's books by former Happy Days actor Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver, published by Grosset & Dunlap. The first book, Niagara Falls, or Does It?, was published in 2003. Hank Zipzer was made into a TV series in 2014. Beginning in 2015, the books have been printed in a special font, called Dyslexie, designed to assist dyslexics with reading.

О Тейлор Hank Zipzer

A young boy struggles with his school life due to his Dyslexia. The show ran for three seasons and aired a total of 39 episodes.

Достижении Hank Zipzer

The series won a British Academy Children's Award in 2016 for Ницк Йамес' performance in the eponymous role. The show also launched a TV movie after its run. 

Топ-факты о Hank Zipzer, которые вы не знали

Dyslexia in fiction.. Child characters in literature.. Fictional characters from New York City.. Series of children's books.

Последняя информация о Hank Zipzer обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.