Knight Rider is an American entertainment franchise created by Glen A. Larson. The core of Knight Rider is its four television series: Knight Rider, Code of Vengeance, Team Knight Rider, and Knight Rider. The franchise also includes three television films, computer and video games, and novels, as well as KnightCon, a Knight Rider convention. Beginning with the original television series and continuing with the subsequent films and series, the franchise has developed a cult following and spawned many pop culture references. The original Knight Rider series followed the adventures of Michael Knight, a modern-day crime fighter who uses a technologically advanced, artificially intelligent automobile. This car, named KITT, is virtually indestructible, due to a high-tech coating applied to it. Knight Rider stories usually depict either average citizens, or ethical heads of corporations, being bullied into subservience to an overbearing or ruthless criminal organization.
Creator | Glen A. Larson |
Original work | Original series (1982) |
Owner | Universal Studios |
Films | Knight Rider 2000 (1991), Knight Rider 2010 (1994), Knight Rider (2008) |
Television series | Knight Rider (1982–1986), Team Knight Rider (1997–1998), Knight Rider (2008–2009), Code of Vengeance (1985–1986) |
Video games | Knight Rider (1986), Knight Rider (1988), Knight Rider Special (1994), Knight Rider: The Game (2002), Knight Rider: The Game 2 (2004) |
О Тейлор Knight Rider
Давид Хасселхофф plays Michael Knight, a crime fighter whose partner is KITT, an indestructible talking car.
Достижении Knight Rider
The show has had many spin-offs including Knight Rider 2000 and Knight Rider 2010. The Kolkata Knight Riders are a Indian Premier League cricket team named after the show.
Топ-факты о Knight Rider, которые вы не знали
Knight Rider Category.. Television franchises.. Artificial intelligence in fiction.
Последняя информация о Knight Rider обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.