Knots Landing is an American prime time television soap opera that aired on CBS from December 27, 1979, to May 13, 1993. A spin-off of Dallas, it was set in a fictitious coastal suburb of Los Angeles and initially centered on the lives of four married couples living on a cul-de-sac, Seaview Circle. Throughout its fourteen-year run, storylines included marital strife, rape, murder, kidnapping, assassinations, drug smuggling, politics, environmental issues, corporate intrigue, and criminal investigations. By the time of its conclusion, it had become the third longest-running primetime drama on U.S. television after Gunsmoke and Bonanza and the last fictional primetime show that debuted in the 1970s to leave the air. Knots Landing was created by David Jacobs in conjunction with producer Michael Filerman. Although a spin-off of Dallas, the concept predates that series, and was rebuffed by CBS in 1977, as the network wanted something more "saga-like".
Genre | Soap opera |
Created by | David Jacobs |
Starring | James Houghton, Kim Lankford, Michele Lee, Constance McCashin, Don Murray, John Pleshette, Ted Shackelford, Joan Van Ark, Donna Mills, Julie Harris, Kevin Dobson, Claudia Lonow, Douglas Sheehan, William Devane, Lisa Hartman, Alec Baldwin, Teri Austin, Nicollette Sheridan, Patrick Petersen, Tonya Crowe, Michelle Phillips, Larry Riley, Stacy Galina, Kathleen Noone |
Theme music composer | Jerrold Immel |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 14 |
No. of episodes | 344 |
Executive producer(s) | Michael Filerman, David Jacobs |
Running time | 60 minutes |
Production company(s) | Roundelay Productions, (1979–1982), (seasons 1–3), Roundelay-MF Productions (1982–1993), (seasons 4–14), Lorimar Productions, (1979–1986), (seasons 1–7), Lorimar-Telepictures, (1986–1988), (seasons 8–9), Lorimar Television, (1988–1993), (seasons 10–14) |
Distributor | Lorimar Distribution, (1985-1986), Lorimar-Telepictures, (1986–1989), Warner Bros. Television Distribution, (1989–present) |
Original network | CBS |
Followed by | Knots Landing: Back to the Cul-de-Sac (1997) |
Related shows | Dallas (1978), Dallas (2012) |
О Тейлор Knots Landing
Spin-off of Даллас set in the eponymous, fictional coastal suburb of Los Angeles and centered on the lives of four married couples living in a cul-de-sac, Seaview Circle.
Достижении Knots Landing
The show was created by Давид Йацобс. It was inspired by the 1957 movie No Down Payment as well as the 1973 Ингмар Бергман TV mini-series Scenes from a Marriage.
Топ-факты о Knots Landing, которые вы не знали
Dallas (TV franchise).. Television series by Lorimar Television.. Television shows set in California.
Последняя информация о Knots Landing обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.