Maggie and the Ferocious Beast is a Canadian animated children's television series created by Michael and Betty Paraskevas. The program was based on the 1996 book The Ferocious Beast with the Polka-Dot Hide and its sequels, all of which were also written by the Paraskevases. The show began as a series of shorts aired on the Canadian channel Teletoon in 1998. The first full-length episode premiered on Teletoon on August 26, 2000. The series ran for three seasons, airing its final episode on June 9, 2002.
Genre | Fantasy, Comedy |
Created by | Michael Paraskevas and Betty Paraskevas |
Directed by | Gabe Mannes |
Voices of | Kristen Bone, Stephen Ouimette, Michael Caruana, Julie Lemieux, Adrian Truss, Dwayne Hill, Tamara Bernier, John McGrath |
Theme music composer | TTG Music Lab |
Composer(s) | Peter Branton, Tony Crea, Mike Northcott |
Country of origin | Canada |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 39 (117 segments) |
Executive producer(s) | Michael Hirsh, Patrick Loubert, Clive A. Smith, Toper Taylor (Season 3), Scott Dyer (Season 3) |
Producer(s) | Cynthia Taylor, Steve Hodgins, Patricia R. Burns (supervising) |
Editor(s) | Victoria Densborn |
Running time | 22 minutes |
Production company(s) | Nelvana |
Distributor | Nelvana |
Original network | Teletoon |
Picture format | NTSC (480i) |
Audio format | Stereo |
О Тейлор Maggie and the Ferocious Beast
Children's TV series based on the 1996 book The Ferocious Beast with the Polka-Dot Hide and its sequels all of which were written by the show's creators Michael and Betty Paraskevas. It centers on Maggie, a young girl who creates a map to an imaginary world called "Nowhere Land."
Достижении Maggie and the Ferocious Beast
The series began as a series of shorts which aired in 1998 on Teletoon. Full length episodes began premiering in 2000 and were also found on Nick Jr.
Топ-факты о Maggie and the Ferocious Beast, которые вы не знали
Qubo.. Television series by Nelvana.. 2000s Canadian animated television series.
Последняя информация о Maggie and the Ferocious Beast обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.