My Life with the Walter Boys is an American teen drama television series that premiered on Netflix on December 7, 2023. The coming-of-age drama is an adaptation of Ali Novak's 2014 novel of the same name, which was first published on Wattpad. The series follows recently-orphaned Jackie Howard, a teenage girl from Manhattan who relocates to rural Colorado after she is taken in by the Walters, a family of seven sons. The series was developed by Melanie Halsall. It stars Marc Blucas, Alisha Newton, and Sarah Rafferty. In December 2023, the series was renewed for a second season.
Genre | Teen drama |
Developed by | Melanie Halsall |
Starring | Nikki Rodriguez, Noah LaLonde, Ashby Gentry, Johnny Link, Corey Fogelmanis, Connor Stanhope, Zoë Soul, Jaylan Evans, Sarah Rafferty, Marc Blucas |
Music by | Brian H. Kim |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 10 |
Executive producer(s) | Edward Glauser, Melanie Halsall |
Producer(s) | Keith Raskin |
Location(s) | Alberta, Canada |
Cinematography | Walt Lloyd |
Production company(s) | Nomadic Pictures, iGeneration Studios, Sony Pictures Television International Productions |
Original network | Netflix |
Netflix ID | 81426967 |
Wikidata description | American television series |
Wikidata id | Q113570499 |
О Тейлор My Life with the Walter Boys
Coming-of-age drama series that follows an orphaned teenager who moves from New York City to rural Colorado with a new family that has taken her in. In the show the main character develops a separate interest in and friendship with two brothers. The series was produced by Komixx Entertainment.
Достижении My Life with the Walter Boys
The series is an adaptation of a book published by Али Новак. The show's first season consisted of 10 episodes in total. The pilot was directed by Jerry Ciccoritti.
Топ-факты о My Life with the Walter Boys, которые вы не знали
Television shows set in Colorado.
Последняя информация о My Life with the Walter Boys обновлена 31 Декабрь, 2023.