Noobees is an esports teen drama television series filmed entirely in Bogota, Colombia and produced by Viacom International Studios, and MediaPro Studios. The series premiered on Nickelodeon worldwide, except for Colombia, and United States, on 17 September 2018, followed by its debut in Colombia on RCN Televisión on 6 October. The series had been renewed for a second season, released in March 2020. The series stars Michelle Olvera, best known for her character in the Telemundo series La Doña.

Genre Teen drama
Directed by William Barragán
Country of origin Colombia
Original language(s) Spanish
No. of seasons 2
No. of episodes 120
Production company(s) Viacom International Studios, MediaPro Studios
Original network Nickelodeon Latin America
Picture format HDTV 1080i
Audio format Stereophonic sound

О Тейлор NOOBees

Colombian television series centered around an eSports team competing in the Professional Video Games League.

Достижении NOOBees

The series is a co-production between Mediapro and Viacom International. It pre-premiered on Nickelodeon's digital platform Nick Play.

Топ-факты о NOOBees, которые вы не знали

Television series about computing.. Nickelodeon telenovelas.

Последняя информация о NOOBees обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.