Nowhere Boys is an Australian teen drama television series created by Tony Ayres. It was first broadcast on ABC3 on 7 November 2013. The first two series follow the adventures of four mismatched teenage boys – goth Felix Ferne, nerd Andrew "Andy" Lau, golden child Sam Conte, and alpha jock Jake Riles. Nowhere Boys was renewed for a second series which began airing from 23 November 2014. An 80-minute feature-length movie based on the show, titled Nowhere Boys: The Book of Shadows, premiered in selected Australian movie theatres on 1 January 2016. A third series of Nowhere Boys, titled Two Moons Rising, started airing in 2016 with a new cast and characters, replacing the original cast members. The fourth and final series, titled Battle For Negative Space, started airing on 3 December 2018.
Genre | Action, Adventure, Fantasy |
Created by | Tony Ayres |
Directed by | Daina Reid, Peter Carstairs, Craig Irvin, Nicholas Verso, Brendan Phillips, Alister Grierson, Peter Salmon, Rachel Griffiths |
Starring | Dougie Baldwin, Joel Lok, Rahart Adams, Matt Testro, Kamil Ellis, Joe Klocek, Jordie Race-Coldrey, Luca Sardelis, William McKenna |
Theme music composer | Cornel Wilczek |
Opening theme | Nowhere Boys Theme |
Composer(s) | Cornel Wilczek |
Country of origin | Australia |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 4 |
No. of episodes | 52 (+ 1 film) |
Executive producer(s) | Michael McMahon, Helen Panckhurst, Tony Ayres (season 2) |
Producer(s) | Tony Ayres (season 1), Beth Frey |
Cinematography | Simon Chapman (season 1), Dave Cameron (season 2) |
Running time | 26 minutes |
Production company(s) | Matchbox Pictures |
Distributor | NBCUniversal International Television (season 1), NBCUniversal Television Distribution (season 2) |
Original network | ABC Me |
Picture format | 576i (16:9 SDTV) |
Netflix ID | 80028239 |
О Тейлор Nowhere Boys
Four teenage boys find themselves in an alternate world where they weren't born. The third season of the show was called Two Moons Rising, and it had a whole new cast.
Достижении Nowhere Boys
The show launched a movie called Nowhere Boys: The Book of Shadows in 2016. The series won its first British Academy Children's Award in 2016.
Топ-факты о Nowhere Boys, которые вы не знали
Television series by Matchbox Pictures.. Television shows set in Victoria (Australia).. Australian drama television series.. Australian children's television series.
Последняя информация о Nowhere Boys обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.