SK8 the Infinity is a Japanese original anime television series produced and animated by Bones that aired from January to April 2021 on ABC and TV Asahi's ANiMAZiNG!!! programming block. A comedy manga spin-off began serialization on the Young Ace Up manga website in January 2021. A manga adaptation of the television series began serialization on the BookLive! e-book store in March 2021.
О Тейлор SK8 the Infinity
Japanese anime series about a high school student who is passionate about skateboarding. After class ends he spends his nights competing in highly dangerous and illegal underground races.
Достижении SK8 the Infinity
The series popularity spawned a comedy manga spin-off on the Young Ace Up manga website.
Топ-факты о SK8 the Infinity, которые вы не знали
Bones (studio).. Sports anime and manga.. Aniplex.. Kadokawa Shoten manga.. Anime with original screenplays.
Последняя информация о SK8 the Infinity обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.