Please Take My Brother Away!, also known as the Japanese name Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai!, is a Chinese web manhua series by You.Ling. In 2017, the series was adapted into a Japanese television short anime series by Fanworks and Imagineer with Japanese and Mandarin Chinese voices. It premiered from April to June 2017, on Tokyo MX. The second season premiered from July to December 2018. A third season premiered from October to December 2019. The story follows a pair of siblings – a younger sister who is violent, Shi Miao, and her older brother Shi Fen. On June 17, 2020, it was announced that the fourth season will air in October 2020 on Tokyo MX. The series was also adapted into a Chinese television drama named Take My Brother Away and a film named Go Brother! in 2018.
О Тейлор Take My Brother Away
Chinese drama about a brother and sister who are constantly fighting until one day trouble finds them flipping the switch on him becoming a caring, loving brothers.
Достижении Take My Brother Away
The first season of the series was made available on Netflix in August of 2018. It originally aired from Jun 28, 2018 - Jul 29, 2018
Топ-факты о Take My Brother Away, которые вы не знали
Animated series based on comics.. Chinese webcomics.. Manhua titles.
Последняя информация о Take My Brother Away обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.