The Bold and the Beautiful is an American television soap opera created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell for CBS. It premiered on March 23, 1987, as a sister show to the Bells' other soap opera The Young and the Restless; several characters from each of the two shows have crossed over to the other since the early 1990s. Set in Los Angeles, California, the show centers upon the Forrester family and their haute couture business. The program features an ensemble cast, headed by its longest-serving actors John McCook as Eric Forrester and Katherine Kelly Lang as Brooke Logan. Since its premiere, the show has become the most-watched soap in the world, with an audience of an estimated 36.2 million viewers. As of 2010, it continues to hold on to the second-placed position in weekly Nielsen Ratings for daytime dramas. The Bold and the Beautiful has also won 77 Daytime Emmy Awards, including three for Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series, in 2009, 2010, as well as 2011.
Genre | Soap opera |
Created by | William J. Bell, Lee Phillip Bell |
Written by | Bradley Bell, Michael Minnis |
Directed by | Michael Stich, Deveney Kelly, Cynthia J. Popp, David Shaughnessy, Jennifer Howard |
Starring | Present cast, Past cast |
Theme music composer | Jack Allocco, David Kurtz, John Nordstrom |
Opening theme | "High Upon This Love", by Jack Allocco and David Kurtz |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of episodes | 8,000 (as of January 4, 2019) |
Executive producer(s) | Bradley Bell |
Producer(s) | Supervising Producers, Rhonda Friedman, Edward Scott, Casey Kasprzyk, Producers, Cynthia J. Popp, Mark Pinciotti |
Location(s) | Television City, Los Angeles, California |
Camera setup | Multiple-camera setup |
Running time | 19 minutes (approx.) (US), 21 minutes (approx.) (International) |
Production company(s) | Bell-Phillip Television Productions Inc. |
Distributor | New World Entertainment (1987–1997), 20th Television (1997), BBL Distribution, Inc. (1997–present) |
Original network | CBS |
Picture format | NTSC (1987–2011), HDTV 1080i (2011–present) |
Audio format | Stereo |
Related shows | The Young and the Restless |
О Тейлор The Bold and the Beautiful
A family in Los Angeles runs a fashion business and deals with family strife. The show was created by Щиллиам Й. Белл and Lee Phillip Bell.
Достижении The Bold and the Beautiful
The series has won 31 Daytime Emmy Awards as of 2017. The theme song for the series is called "High Upon This Love" and was composed by David Kurtz and Jack Allocco.
Топ-факты о The Bold and the Beautiful, которые вы не знали
The Bold and the Beautiful Category.. CBS Daytime - CBS Daytime is a division within CBS that is responsible for the daytime television block programming on the CBS' late morning and early afternoon schedule. The block has historically encompassed soap operas and game shows.. Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series winners.. Alcohol abuse in television.. Television series created by William J. Bell.. Fashion-themed television series.. American television soap operas.. 2000s American drama television series.
Последняя информация о The Bold and the Beautiful обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.